Let's build together



We realize light-structure, heat-insulated or not heat insulated facilities made mainly of pre-fabricated ferro-concrete or steel structures for our customers. With industrial floor layers if requested by the client. We always suggest the most optimal and cost-efficient coverings and fixing systems to our customers in line with the thermal technology and fire protection regulations.

We perform the installation of loading and goods transporting systems: docking systems, ramp levellers, lifting platforms, cranes.

We also carry out the construction of office buildings, locker rooms and showers and servicing facilities, parking lots, fences and gate systems belonging to the halls.

Our electric and engineering experts have such experience in design and construction that provides guarantee for picking the most energy efficient systems and devices for the harmonized high quality professional works.


We also build different types of commercial buildings, such as supermarkets, exhibition halls, car dealerships, retail and wholesale stores. We also carry out certain specialized works (e.g. ceramic coverings, food industrial coatings, cooling, etc.) for special technologies and functions.


We also build different kinds of facilities for the industry and the agriculture, cooling facilities, silos, waste selecting and management facilities with professional experience. Our agricultural hay- and wheat silos have cost-efficient, crop-specific structural and goods transporting solutions and the animal farming facilities are built with fertilizer storage, channelling and disposal systems.


We design in cooperation with our clients. We assist you in finding the aesthetic and functional solutions in line with the administrative, fire protection and other regulations.

We prepare the following architectural and specialized designs:
- presentations, preliminary designs
- plans for licensing purposes
- construction plans
- as-is plans
- product designs

with the help of the latest Archi CAD softwarefor graphical representation.

Our designed facilities have very diverse structures and arrangements. We prepare the plans of plants, warehouses, production facilities and office buildings with ferro-concrete or steel structures or with traditional monolith /brick wallsbased on the function of the building, with a view to cost-efficiency.

We use state-of-the-art designing software for the planning of the steel structures or other steel building structures with optimal use of materials. We also optimize the existing plans of steel structures and the performance of fire protection calculations.

Our designers contribute to reach the most optimal solutions throughout the construction phase assisting our work.


With the help of production of the group member SÜD-ALU Kft. we can provide unique steel structures and other steel load bearing building and metal structures with painted or galvanized surface.

Please visit the SÜD-ALU Kft. website and receive more information on the production technologies.


Our partners:

AquaForm Kft. - Győr
A.S.A. Kft. - Gyál
Bethaterm Kft. - Miskolc
CBA Kereskedelmi Kft. - Budapest
Claas Hungária Kft. - Törökszentmiklós
GéPéSz Holding - Miskolc, Debrecen, Budapest
Intertranscoop Kft. - Győr
Kenvéd Kft. - Győr
Lemeztechnika Kft. - Hódmezővásárhely
Maerz Kft. - Hódmezővásárhely
MNR Kft. - Győr
NP Hungária Kft. - Kunszentmárton
Príma Pék Kft. - Budakeszi
Star Plus Kft. - Miskolc
Trivega Kft. - Balástya, Baks
Unicentrál Kft. - Győr

About us

SÜD-BAU Kft. was founded in 1997 with its seat in Szeged by Hungarian owners.

The main business activity of our company is general contracting in the construction industry with a focus on the planning and realizing of light-structure buildings. Our main profile is the general realization of industrial, commercial, logistics and agricultural facilities but we also perform energetics reconstruction and the building and renovation of public and residential buildings.

From the building foundations through the industrial floorings until the general realization we also perform building electricity and engineering works, furthermore we also build roads, parking lots and public utility lines. Our design office is also capable of high quality specialized planning. Our contribution results in cost-efficient construction work thanks to the optimal technical solutions.

The group member SÜD-ALU Kft. is ISO 9001 and ISO 3834-2 (for welding processes) certified and produces steel structures and manufactures aluminium products also for the domestic and international markets. Our metal workers provide all-around construction works with modern tools and always in compliance with the labour safety regulations.

For the construction and planning works we use a quality control system and environment-focused management system in line with standards MSZ EN ISO 9001:2015 and MSZ EN ISO 14001:2015. Relying on our own resources and also on our subcontractors,our company built during the last 20 years several production plants, office buildings, warehouses, food stores, silos, animal farms ranging between a few hundred and several thousand square meters.

Our reliable performance in the market created a stable financial background for the company thanks to our net annual revenue exceeding HUF 2 billion and now we are free from the effects of the indebtedness of the construction industry.We hope that you will join our clientele and we can build a long-term partnership.


dr. Dudás Szilvia
Owner – Managing director


| Seat: 6724 Szeged, Tavasz u. 11/b |
| Tax number:11399445-2-06 | Company registry number: 06-09-004938 | Registration number: 15A12597 |
| Phone: 0036 62/551-770 | Fax: 0036 62/551-779 |

dr. Dudás Szilvia
Owner, managing director
+36 30 670-4230

Kiss Csaba
Managing officer, technical manager
+36 30 278-4731

Farkas Elemér
Projekt manager
+36 30 278-4757

Szombati László
Project manager
+36 30 372-3612

Dudas András
Procurement manager
+36 30 928-7773

Visnyei Tamás
Engineering project manager
+36 30 265-0163

Zsikó András
Projekt manager
+36 30 265-0163

Repka Richárd
Technical preparer
+36 30 399-7601

Bálint Tamás
Technical preparer
+36 30 590-2644

Czene Martin
Technical preparer
+36 30 288-0311

Csüllög Róbert
+36 30 955-6893

Simonkay Veronika
Static designer
+36 30 423-0837

Pernyész Barbara
+36 30 935-8586

Tódor Mária
+36 30 626-7025

Tamás Beáta
+36 62 551-770

Horváth Gusztáv
IT administrator
+36 30 436-2767


Currently we have the following vacancies.
Please send your job application and your photo CV to the e-mail addressallas@sudbau.hu and indicate your salary target.

Engineering, Electric technical manager

Location of work Szeged
Job Specialized control and check-up of the construction, preparation of quotations
Requirements Qualification in the given field, B category license
Advantage Qualification as a chief construction supervisor
Application deadline Continuous

Construction manager

Location of work Hungary
Job On-site control and management of general contracting
Requirements Qualification in the given field
B category license
Beginners are welcome
Advantage Experience in this job
Application deadline Continuous

Project manager

Location of work Szeged
Job Control of general contracting
B category license
Requirements Qualification in the given field
Beginners are welcome
Application deadline Continuous

Technical preparer

Location of work Szeged
Job Preparation of quotations
Preparation of the construction
Obtaining and analysing quotations
Requirements Qualification in the given field
B category license
Advantage Experience in this job
Beginners are welcome
Application deadline Continuous

2025. Feb. 16. 00:59